Do you ever think about your compaction rate? Probably not. People don’t usually give much thought to handling waste. Most people just toss their waste away, and forget about it. But when it comes to using a waste compactor, it’s important to know your compaction rate. Obviously you want a better compaction rate in order to handle the waste quickly. But are there other benefits as well? Believe it or not, your compaction rate also affects your wallet. A higher one leads to better savings. A lower one could mean wasting more money than you meant to. Here’s what you need to know about saving money with your waste compactor.
For questions about compaction rate or anything else to do with your waste compactor, turn to KenBay. We are an experienced company dedicated to proper waste management. Our goal is to lead companies to follow a zero landfill initiative through easy, efficient waste compactors. If you want to know more about KenBay and our zero landfill initiative, visit our website.
How a Better Compaction Rate Leads to Cost Savings
Fewer Bags
It’s simple math: the more bags you use, the more money you spend purchasing replacement bags. Some compactors are so inefficient that you need to change out the bags far too frequently. Others cannot handle plastic waste very well. Plastic waste tends to retain its original shape, and resists compacting. But with the right compactor, none of this is a problem. You should simply toss it in and forget about it.
Don’t Ship “Air”
Another side effect of a lower compaction rate is that you end up shipping “air.” If you can’t compact your waste fully, then you’re filling the truck with empty space. It’s would be like if you simply hired a truck to transport only air to another location. A good compactor makes it so that you fill the truck with only waste. That way, you won’t require as many deliveries, and continue to save money!
Less Swapping Out of Bags, Less Foot Traffic
Of course if you are swapping out your bags less often, that means you won’t need to spend productive time moving bags off the plant floor. You also won’t need to spend time moving them around or across the plant floor. In addition to improving overall safety, you will save time because your people can be more productive! They’ll be able to get back to the tasks that really matter, instead of “wasting” it on waste.
Turn to KenBay for a Better Compactor
There’s a lot of compactor options out there. It may be tempting to think that bigger is better. But buying a large bulky compactor is no guarantee of power. Instead, why not try one of KenBay’s RotoPacs? The RotoPac is portable, so you can transport it easily across the floor to wherever you need. Put it right at the source of your waste for maximum effect. And you can bet that the RotoPac has a fantastic compaction rate! If you want to try out a RotoPac for yourself, visit our website to try one out for yourself. You’ll be impressed at it’s power . . . and your savings!