5 Hidden Benefits to Employing Dewatering Equipment More

dewatering equipmentWater is wonderful. After all, we wouldn’t be able to live without it! But there are some places that we just don’t want to see water. Nobody’s happy to stumble upon a flooded basement, for example. Nor is it desirable to see enormous puddles in the yard. And of course, nobody wants to deal with excess water in their waste! Many manufacturers utilize dewatering equipment in order to keep their waste dry and easy to manage. But there are many other great reasons to do it that you may not know about! Here are 5 hidden benefits to employing more dewatering equipment in your waste management process.

For questions about dewatering equipment or anything else to do with your waste compactor, turn to KenBay. We are an experienced company dedicated to proper waste management. Our goal is to lead companies to follow a zero landfill initiative through easy, efficient waste compactors. If you want to know more about KenBay and our zero landfill initiative, visit our website.

Why You Should Use Dewatering Equipment

Ability to Recycle More

At KenBay, we like to talk a lot about reducing the amount of “air” put onto the truck. Well guess what? Water works the same way. The more water is held inside of your waste, the less waste you’re able to fit onto the truck. Use dewatering equipment to save space, allowing you to recycle more when you need to. And you save money as well!

Less Trash to Landfill

One of the great things about dewatering is that it opens the door for opportunities to recycle. When waste is dewatered, it is transformed into a dry filter cake. Usually, that cake makes the waste easier to transport and dispose of. But when the cake is non-toxic, it can also be reused for other purposes. Thus, less trash gets sent off to the landfill overall.

Ability to Separate Plastic Cap From Cardboard Container

Plastic and cardboard can work well together, but they’re not the easiest to get rid of. They must be separated first, and recycled separately. Dewatering equipment can handle it easily!

Don’t Pay to Ship Remnant Ingredients

Little bits of leftovers can get annoying. They’re too small to do anything with, but it’s not worth paying to ship them or dispose of them. Dewatering equipment makes it so you won’t have to worry about that problem anymore!

Cleaner Plant Environment

A clean environment is a safe environment. And having wet, nasty waste everywhere definitely does not make for a clean environment. Turn to dewatering equipment to destroy the sludge, keep things dry, and make your workers happy!

KenBay Can Dewater . . . and So Much More

For dewatering applications the SC 2000 and SC 3000 Screw Compactors provide continuous throughput and are configured for de-packaging/de-watering or for foam densifying.  These screw compactors can be an integral part of a system that will make your facility landfill free. The SC 2000/3000 is a low maintenance heavy-duty piece of equipment capable of handling large throughputs of material while still maintaining a high compaction rate continuously throughout the operation.

The output from them is ready for delivery to a Waste-To-Energy (WTE) facility having extracted whatever liquids they contain. The Screw Compactors perform well for de-packaging:

  • milk
  • yogurt
  • soft drinks
  • BBQ Sauces and ketchups
  • ice cream
  • liquid soaps and detergents
  • and much more

To learn more go to “SC 2000 & 3000 Screw Compactors

How to Measure the True Cost of Wholesale Baking Ingredients

wholesale baking ingredientsAt KenBay, we strive to achieve our goal of a zero waste initiative. But that doesn’t mean we don’t also want to make sure your job is as easy as possible. We recognize the importance of manufacturing plants, especially when those plants are for companies making food! We all love food, and who can resist a delicious bite of a cookie? Unfortunately, while we may all appreciate the end result, we hardly ever think about what happens behind the scenes. Food manufacturers need to keep on top of their budget as well. Sometimes that means buying product in bulk and purchasing wholesale baking ingredients. But are these hefty sacks of flour, starch, and other good really saving that much money? For some people, they might not be! How do you know the true cost of wholesale baking ingredients? We are glad you asked!

KenBay supports manufacturers just as much as the environment. Visit our website to learn more about who we are, how we work, and what we can do for you!


It doesn’t matter whether you are running your own plant or just buying your weekly groceries, the truth is the same: buying bulk means buying heavy. In this case, baking ingredients come in huge heavy sacks, often weighing up to fifty pounds! But wait! You may think that cost savings happen because buying bulk means buying less often over time. While that may be true, there are other factors at play as well. For example, are the sheer amount of discarded bags overwhelming your plant floor? They don’t just look unsightly, they create a workspace hazard as well. What about the cost of moving them elsewhere? Factor in the man hours and cost of labor, and you can see how quickly the savings dwindle. Finally, ask yourself how much those sacks are overrunning your dumpster. Are you having to schedule more trips to the landfill overall because you can’t use your dumpster otherwise? Again, if the answer is yes then its time for a change!


One of the things that you can do is to dump those sacks for wholesale baking ingredients into a compactor right away. A portable compactor is best, that way you can place it right where you need it and not have to worry about paying for extra hauling labor. Since the sacks are so big and durable, it is also important to make sure your compactor is powerful, able to handle a heavy duty load with ease. Fortunately for you, such a compactor exists. KenBay’s RotoPacs are small enough to be mobile but mighty enough to handle even the toughest waste loads. We offer a special try it before you buy it program, so that you can see for yourself the difference one RotoPac can make. Best of all, if you like the test run, you have the option to keep it for life! Simply pay the difference in cost, and the RotoPac we let you borrow becomes your official property. If you would like to learn more about the RotoPac or any of our other fantastic compactors, visit our website today. Don’t bake yourself into a corner when it comes to your bulk sacks. Turn to KenBay to keep your floor clean and your wallet happy!

Save the Planet When You Minimize Waste Removal

Minimize WasteDid you know that 7.6 billion tons of industrial waste is shipped to landfills in the United States each year? That’s a lot of garbage. What’s your contribution to that number? Although it is just a tiny fraction of those billions of pounds of waste being produced in this country, everybody can do their part to decrease the growing landfills in America by taking a few small steps to minimize waste, no matter what industry you’re in. Not only will your efforts to minimize waste be of great service to the environment, but they will also have financial and social benefits as well.

Here are some simple ways to minimize waste production:

Establish a Waste Management Team

If you don’t already have people in your place devoted to helping you minimize waste in your industrial facility, that is a great place to start. Be sure to find a group of like-minded people who are invested in pursuing the fiscal, social and environmental benefits to less waste production. Self-starters who are generally trusted in the workplace will be perfect to spur on the team mindset you need to get your employees educated and motivated around this common goal. Your new waste management plan will set standards within the workplace for what waste is and how it is handled.

Waste Mapping

Make sure that your facilities are as logically organized as possible so that you can easily identify all materials and waste products. Have your team work on optimizing all your workflows and spaces so that production and materials are easily defined. This will help you to analyze where you can cut out processes that might be producing excess or unnecessary waste. A better-ordered work environment also means that your waste will be more easily segregated for removal, which is one of the best ways to cut down on removal costs. Better workflows will also help your employees be more productive, and spend less time dealing with waste, which in turn will increase your productivity levels, and decrease payroll losses.

Recycle Reduce Reuse

Take advantage of the fact that the current workforce was raised on recycling. All you need to do is give them the specifics of which waste products can be recycled and how, and they’ll return to old habits. All you have to do is set up a convenient system and you’ll be saving money while you minimize your waste. If there are any waste products that can simply be cleaned up and reused, it can often be worth the time to do so. Don’t assume that it isn’t worth looking into it.

Do your research and make informed waste management decisions. It’s the only way you’ll manage to minimize waste in your facility. Companies don’t achieve close to zero waste by staying the same. They have to innovate and get creative by changing things up, challenging their employees, and putting in some extra leg work to see where improvements can be made. In the long run, they’re helping more than just their wallets.   

If you want to learn more about waste management methods that will work for your business, call KenBay to learn more.