by CharlieB | Jun 28, 2017
Water is wonderful. After all, we wouldn’t be able to live without it! But there are some places that we just don’t want to see water. Nobody’s happy to stumble upon a flooded basement, for example. Nor is it desirable to see enormous puddles in the yard. And of course, nobody wants to deal with excess water in their waste! Many manufacturers utilize dewatering equipment in order to keep their waste dry and easy to manage. But there are many other great reasons to do it that you may not know about! Here are 5 hidden benefits to employing more dewatering equipment in your waste management process.
For questions about dewatering equipment or anything else to do with your waste compactor, turn to KenBay. We are an experienced company dedicated to proper waste management. Our goal is to lead companies to follow a zero landfill initiative through easy, efficient waste compactors. If you want to know more about KenBay and our zero landfill initiative, visit our website.
Why You Should Use Dewatering Equipment
Ability to Recycle More
At KenBay, we like to talk a lot about reducing the amount of “air” put onto the truck. Well guess what? Water works the same way. The more water is held inside of your waste, the less waste you’re able to fit onto the truck. Use dewatering equipment to save space, allowing you to recycle more when you need to. And you save money as well!
Less Trash to Landfill
One of the great things about dewatering is that it opens the door for opportunities to recycle. When waste is dewatered, it is transformed into a dry filter cake. Usually, that cake makes the waste easier to transport and dispose of. But when the cake is non-toxic, it can also be reused for other purposes. Thus, less trash gets sent off to the landfill overall.
Ability to Separate Plastic Cap From Cardboard Container
Plastic and cardboard can work well together, but they’re not the easiest to get rid of. They must be separated first, and recycled separately. Dewatering equipment can handle it easily!
Don’t Pay to Ship Remnant Ingredients
Little bits of leftovers can get annoying. They’re too small to do anything with, but it’s not worth paying to ship them or dispose of them. Dewatering equipment makes it so you won’t have to worry about that problem anymore!
Cleaner Plant Environment
A clean environment is a safe environment. And having wet, nasty waste everywhere definitely does not make for a clean environment. Turn to dewatering equipment to destroy the sludge, keep things dry, and make your workers happy!
KenBay Can Dewater . . . and So Much More
For dewatering applications the SC 2000 and SC 3000 Screw Compactors provide continuous throughput and are configured for de-packaging/de-watering or for foam densifying. These screw compactors can be an integral part of a system that will make your facility landfill free. The SC 2000/3000 is a low maintenance heavy-duty piece of equipment capable of handling large throughputs of material while still maintaining a high compaction rate continuously throughout the operation.
The output from them is ready for delivery to a Waste-To-Energy (WTE) facility having extracted whatever liquids they contain. The Screw Compactors perform well for de-packaging:
- milk
- yogurt
- soft drinks
- BBQ Sauces and ketchups
- ice cream
- liquid soaps and detergents
- and much more
To learn more go to “SC 2000 & 3000 Screw Compactors”
by CharlieB | Jun 22, 2017
Do you ever think about your compaction rate? Probably not. People don’t usually give much thought to handling waste. Most people just toss their waste away, and forget about it. But when it comes to using a waste compactor, it’s important to know your compaction rate. Obviously you want a better compaction rate in order to handle the waste quickly. But are there other benefits as well? Believe it or not, your compaction rate also affects your wallet. A higher one leads to better savings. A lower one could mean wasting more money than you meant to. Here’s what you need to know about saving money with your waste compactor.
For questions about compaction rate or anything else to do with your waste compactor, turn to KenBay. We are an experienced company dedicated to proper waste management. Our goal is to lead companies to follow a zero landfill initiative through easy, efficient waste compactors. If you want to know more about KenBay and our zero landfill initiative, visit our website.
How a Better Compaction Rate Leads to Cost Savings
Fewer Bags
It’s simple math: the more bags you use, the more money you spend purchasing replacement bags. Some compactors are so inefficient that you need to change out the bags far too frequently. Others cannot handle plastic waste very well. Plastic waste tends to retain its original shape, and resists compacting. But with the right compactor, none of this is a problem. You should simply toss it in and forget about it.
Don’t Ship “Air”
Another side effect of a lower compaction rate is that you end up shipping “air.” If you can’t compact your waste fully, then you’re filling the truck with empty space. It’s would be like if you simply hired a truck to transport only air to another location. A good compactor makes it so that you fill the truck with only waste. That way, you won’t require as many deliveries, and continue to save money!
Less Swapping Out of Bags, Less Foot Traffic
Of course if you are swapping out your bags less often, that means you won’t need to spend productive time moving bags off the plant floor. You also won’t need to spend time moving them around or across the plant floor. In addition to improving overall safety, you will save time because your people can be more productive! They’ll be able to get back to the tasks that really matter, instead of “wasting” it on waste.
Turn to KenBay for a Better Compactor
There’s a lot of compactor options out there. It may be tempting to think that bigger is better. But buying a large bulky compactor is no guarantee of power. Instead, why not try one of KenBay’s RotoPacs? The RotoPac is portable, so you can transport it easily across the floor to wherever you need. Put it right at the source of your waste for maximum effect. And you can bet that the RotoPac has a fantastic compaction rate! If you want to try out a RotoPac for yourself, visit our website to try one out for yourself. You’ll be impressed at it’s power . . . and your savings!
by CharlieB | Jun 12, 2017
Plastic revolutionized our way of life. Businesses and manufacturers applied plastic to nearly every industry imaginable. The lightness of and durability of plastic improved our packaging, our construction, and how we develop new technology. And it seems like plastic use is only heading upwards. But one downside is that not enough people recycle the plastic that they use. Major manufacturing plants in particular are hesitant to deliver their plastics to a recycling station. Many of them fear that the cost of transport may is too oppressive. But fortunately, there is a workaround. If you’re worried about the cost of your plastics, here’s how to efficiently deliver them to the recycling station.
Whether it’s helping transport plastic to the recycling station or giving other great tips, KenBay is committed to zero waste. We offer a wide range of compactors to you for plastic and other kinds of waste. For more information, visit our website.
Off to the Recycling Station . . . But How?
The Problem with Transport
The biggest concern among manufacturers is the cost of transporting plastics. Plastic tends to expand, and doesn’t like bending from its original shape. That expansion means filling up more space on the freight truck, which then leads to a greater number of trips. Trips that you pay for, every time. Many companies attempt to cut down on these trips through compacting their plastic waste. But there’s still a problem with using something like a baler.
The Problems With Balers
Plastic wrap tends to “bounce back” or regain some of its original shape, even during a compaction process. Most balers don’t have the ability to continuously compact the waste without resorting to additional specialized equipment. They also can’t compact the plastic quickly enough to stifle the bounce back effect. As a result, the baler fills too quickly and compacts a smaller amount of plastic.
What’s the Better Solution?
The best solution is to forget using the baler and instead rely on a dependable compactor. Ideally, a compactor should feature a quick continuously rotating arm. Thus, the machine presses the plastic down so quickly and frequently it won’t have time to bounce back. Adding some heat will also help the process. Once you compact the plastic, store it inside an easily stackable bag. Now, more bags fit onto the truck, which means fewer overall trips to the recycling station. That’s where the savings come from!
KenBay Helps Your Plastics Get There
Plastics will play a major role in our effort towards renewable energy, but not if we don’t recycle them properly. One of the best ways to recycle your plastic is through our RotoPacs. RotoPacs not only are safe, easy, and offer continuous compaction, they deliver even more! They’re portable and very easy to move around your facility. You can put them right at the source of your plastic waste. That way, you reduce clutter and improve overall safety even further. If you would like to try out a KenBay RotoPac for yourself, you can try one before you buy one. Simply pay a small fee and we’ll send one to your location. Best of all, there’s no complicated process if you want to keep it for life. Simply pay the rest of the full price, and it’s yours!
by CharlieB | Jun 10, 2017
Balers are popular, no doubt about that. Every year, companies wrestle with the decision over whether to purchase one. Do the benefits outweigh the expenses? How much money can you really save? These are just a few of the questions that companies ask themselves. But what many of them might not think of is that there is another option: a cardboard compactor. While not as well-known, cardboard compactors offer numerous advantages over traditional balers. Here are three ways that they are superior to the competition.
Whether it’s using a cardboard compactor or promoting the value of zero waste, KenBay is committed to recycling. We offer a wide range of compactors to you. For more information, visit our website.
3 Ways a Cardboard Compactor is Superior to a Baler
Continuous Compaction
One problem with using a baler is the need for continuous compaction. Most standard balers do not provide the option for continuous compaction. In order to get it, you need to order additional specialized equipment or attachments. This costs additional expenses that you probably want to avoid. Also, if the specialized equipment breaks, you need to spend even more money to repair or replace it. Continuous compaction is better because your waste is better reduced, and it’s easier to transport.
A Cardboard Compactor Requires No Special Skills
Another problem with a baler is that it requires a specialist to use. Many balers do not fully compact plastic. They create stages of the plastic. Then, a specialist on standby needs to bale the plastic manually and insert bale ties to remove it. This is much more time consuming and inconvenient. A much better option is to let the machine do all the work. A cardboard compactor continuously rotates the plastic into place, and then it’s easy to remove by anyone.
A Cardboard Compactor is Safer Than a Baler
Think about this also: when balers require specialists to handle, there’s a greater chance that someone is hurt. Generally, when a process involves more people, it is riskier. A cardboard compactor is better requires minimal labor because it doesn’t need specialized training. Additionally, some companies only allow for union workers to handle balers. A cardboard compactor is so easy to use that anyone can do it! Safety should be a paramount reason for companies to make decisions like this. And in this case, the ease and automation clearly put cardboard compactors on top.
Choose a KenBay RotoPac for Your Cardboard Compactor
KenBay offers a fantastic cardboard compactor to you through our RotoPacs. RotoPacs not only are safe, easy and offer continuous compaction, they offer even more! They’re portable and very easy to move around your facility. You can put them right at the source of your waste, reducing clutter and improving overall safety even further. If you would like to try out a KenBay RotoPac for yourself, you can try one before you buy one. Simply pay a small fee and we’ll send one to your location. Best of all, there’s no complicated process if you want to keep it for life. Simply pay the rest of the full price, and it’s yours!
by CharlieB | Jun 4, 2017
What is waste management costing you? Many of you might think that it doesn’t take that much money. But waste management is a surprisingly large sinkhole which your cash will disappear into. The cost of the waste management is not the key element in this expensive equation. Rather, the small hidden costs which build up over time. These include maintenance, labor, and the materials themselves. The Ohio EPA breaks down the surprising costs of waste management. For some manufacturers, their expenses got so high they tripled the expected cost! So, what can you do? Well, there’s a few things experts (ourselves included) recommend you do to make sure you know what you’re actually paying. And there’s a few more things you can do to pay less!
For more great tips on recycling and waste management, rely on KenBay. We manufacture portable waste compactors for manufacturers and plants. We’re also committed to a zero waste initiative, and encourage other companies and corporations to follow suit!
What is Waste Management’s Hidden Fees?
It’s important to remember that waste management does not exist in a vacuum. Purchase of raw material is absolutely a factor in overall cost. As is maintenance and upkeep of that material once you have implemented it. Replacement parts also add to your overall costs. And we can’t forget the labor! You will require someone to install the raw material, someone else to replace parts, and someone else to (eventually) haul it all away. Bring those all together and it’s no wonder that waste management costs as much as it does!
So What Can You Do About It?
The first and most important thing you can do is be aware of your processes. This advice is not just for waste management, it’s makes for an overall more efficient plant. Be aware where your material comes from, how much is needed, and where it ends up. You are likely to end up discovering some wasted money. For example, you could discover that your company is spending extra on one certain raw material that it must then discard. Once you know these blind spots, work to correct them and minimize the loss of money.
Secondly, don’t be afraid to turn to secondary resources. The Environmental Protection Agency has great advice on waste management (such as the article linked above). KenBay also regularly provides advice through this blog.
As far as the waste disposal process goes, every little bit counts. One great way to save money is to use the right kind of compactor. KenBay’s RotoPacs save you money through creating efficiency and eliminating unnecessary functions. RotoPacs are portable, so they cut out some need for additional disposal labor. Simply throw the waste away at the source! Additionally, RotoPacs compact your waste efficiently into cube shapes. You can stack the waste cubes easily onto the truck, and therefore need fewer trips overall. If you want to try out a KenBay RotoPac for yourself, you can try one before you buy it. If you like the RotoPac, simply pay the difference to keep it there. Stay on top of your waste and your processes, and you may never need to ask yourself: “What is waste management really costing me?”
by CharlieB | May 28, 2017
At KenBay, we strive to achieve our goal of a zero waste initiative. But that doesn’t mean we don’t also want to make sure your job is as easy as possible. We recognize the importance of manufacturing plants, especially when those plants are for companies making food! We all love food, and who can resist a delicious bite of a cookie? Unfortunately, while we may all appreciate the end result, we hardly ever think about what happens behind the scenes. Food manufacturers need to keep on top of their budget as well. Sometimes that means buying product in bulk and purchasing wholesale baking ingredients. But are these hefty sacks of flour, starch, and other good really saving that much money? For some people, they might not be! How do you know the true cost of wholesale baking ingredients? We are glad you asked!
KenBay supports manufacturers just as much as the environment. Visit our website to learn more about who we are, how we work, and what we can do for you!
It doesn’t matter whether you are running your own plant or just buying your weekly groceries, the truth is the same: buying bulk means buying heavy. In this case, baking ingredients come in huge heavy sacks, often weighing up to fifty pounds! But wait! You may think that cost savings happen because buying bulk means buying less often over time. While that may be true, there are other factors at play as well. For example, are the sheer amount of discarded bags overwhelming your plant floor? They don’t just look unsightly, they create a workspace hazard as well. What about the cost of moving them elsewhere? Factor in the man hours and cost of labor, and you can see how quickly the savings dwindle. Finally, ask yourself how much those sacks are overrunning your dumpster. Are you having to schedule more trips to the landfill overall because you can’t use your dumpster otherwise? Again, if the answer is yes then its time for a change!
One of the things that you can do is to dump those sacks for wholesale baking ingredients into a compactor right away. A portable compactor is best, that way you can place it right where you need it and not have to worry about paying for extra hauling labor. Since the sacks are so big and durable, it is also important to make sure your compactor is powerful, able to handle a heavy duty load with ease. Fortunately for you, such a compactor exists. KenBay’s RotoPacs are small enough to be mobile but mighty enough to handle even the toughest waste loads. We offer a special try it before you buy it program, so that you can see for yourself the difference one RotoPac can make. Best of all, if you like the test run, you have the option to keep it for life! Simply pay the difference in cost, and the RotoPac we let you borrow becomes your official property. If you would like to learn more about the RotoPac or any of our other fantastic compactors, visit our website today. Don’t bake yourself into a corner when it comes to your bulk sacks. Turn to KenBay to keep your floor clean and your wallet happy!
by CharlieB | May 16, 2017
Got an old painting project that you haven’t done in a while? Maybe some old cans stored up in the garage that you haven’t used yet? What about if you’re involved in the manufacturing industry? Paint is certainly useful, but unused wasteful paint can actually be really harmful. Worse still, disposing of paint can get . . . complicated. So if you have some extra cans lying around, here’s some advice on how to get rid of old paint.
For this and other great waste removal tips, rely on KenBay to have the info you need. We commit ourselves to a zero-waste initiative, and encourage other companies to follow suit. visit KenBay’s website today and learn about our wide assortment of compactors available.
How to Get Rid of Old Paint (And Other Safety Tips)
Check what kind of paint it is
There’s basically two kinds of paint we’re concerned about: oil and latex. Latex is water based and very safe to store. Most of the paint you encounter for home use is latex based. Oil paint is highly toxic and flammable and should be handled with care. For these tips, we’ll be separating them into oil and latex categories.
Oil: Do NOT throw away in the trash
This is important with latex paint as well, but even more so for oil-based: do not just throw it away in the garbage! Oil paint could ignite easily and deal some serious fire damage to whoever is handling it.
Oil: Do not store for too long!
Equally as important: while you can store latex paint for a long time, oil paint will eventually reach an expiration limit. Once that occurs, it can emit dangerous toxic fumes.
Oil: Take to a proper facility which handles HHW.
Oil paint is classified as a HHW, which stands for Household Hazardous Waste. There are facilities specially handled to dispose of these kinds of materials. Find one in your local area to take your oil-based paint to.
Check your drop off-time
While you’re searching for an HHW disposal facility, make sure you check if there are any special regulated drop off or pickup times.
Latex: When Possible, Recycle Your Old Paint
Latex paint can be stored for a long time, but don’t let it go to waste on your shelf! It is possible to recycle old paint at special facilities. Find one in your local area! Or repurpose leftover paint for some other project. Perhaps there are some small toys in need a color touch up?
Latex: Donate to someone else in need.
If you can’t (or don’t want to) recycle your paint, see if someone else can use it!
Latex: If possible, move into a smaller jar or can.
If space is your main concern, it is perfectly fine to move your excess paint into a smaller mason jar or old soup can. Make sure you cover the lid completely with something like saran wrap so that it doesn’t dry.
Latex: Turn into a Dry Solid First
If you simply must dispose of your latex paint, don’t make a mess by pouring it into the trash. Instead, harden the paint first. Let it sit outside with the lid open and the sun will take care of the rest. After the paint is hardened, it is perfectly safe to throw out, along with the old can.
Latex: Mix with Newspaper or Cat Litter to Speed Dry
For the impatient among us, simply mix the old paint with shredded newspaper, sawdust, or cat litter. The material causes the paint to dry faster, and you will be able to dispose of it quicker.
We hope you found these tips on how to get rid of old paint useful! For non-paint related waste, trust KenBay to have the compactors you need. Our RotoPac can handle any major waste challenge with ease. If you want to experience one for yourself, you can try it before you buy it.
by CharlieB | May 13, 2017
Everyone likes to save a little money, right? These days, it seems like it’s more important than ever to stay frugal and efficient. Cut costs when you can. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to know what the right way to save money is. For example, how can you save money while still handling your plastic waste responsibly? One solution is to invest in a solid plastic compactor. You may think that buying one of these is actually so expensive that any minor savings wouldn’t be worth it. But KenBay is here to tell you that it’s cheaper than you realize! Here’s how to calculate what a plastic compactor would save you.
KenBay is devoted to zero waste, whether it’s plastic, paper, or otherwise! If you want to learn more about our zero waste initiative, please visit our website.
What is Your Transport Cost?
The first thing you can calculate is how much you’re spending on transportation. It may seem like a minor detail, but you’d be surprised how much money transportation eats up! Especially with the rising cost of gas, shipping and transport of plastic waste can be costly. Additionally, you may be wasting money by filling up the truck with mostly air! Manpower alone is usually not enough to compress the plastic tightly enough. That means that less plastic fits on the truck. Which means you’re paying for more trips back and forth between your facility and the plastic recycling company. A plastic compactor mechanically compresses the plastic together and doesn’t allow for any air. You load more onto the truck and only pay for what you need.
What is Your Manpower Cost?
The second most important factor to calculate is the cost of manpower and labor. Hey, it’s not gonna move itself! In fact, most manufacturers have so much plastic waste that it can require an entire team of people to load, haul, and unload it. A plastic compactor cuts down on these expenses because it’s on site. Thus, you rely on your own people to load it on the truck. Don’t worry, those laborers aren’t out of a job. There’s plenty of other places without a plastic compactor willing to hire them.
Are There Any Additional Costs?
Finally, make sure to factor in the savings that come from not needing to rely on a third party. Junk haulers and moving companies are great, but saving money feels even better. When you let a plastic compactor handle half of your labor, you avoid unnecessary surcharges and fees. Sounds good to us!
For the best line of compactors, plastic or otherwise, please be sure to check out KenBay. We’ve done the research, and our RotoPac can handle double the plastic load of other compactors out there. If you want to test it for yourself, you can try one before you buy one. If you’re satisfied with the experience and want to keep it, hey no problem! Simply pay the difference and keep the RotoPac we already sent you. You’ll be amazed at what you save when you try a RotoPac!
by CharlieB | May 5, 2017
Is your Industrial Trash Compactor a living nightmare? Do you wake up in cold sweats, imagining jammed machinery and large bulky mechanics? Does your money have a habit of suddenly vanishing and you can’t explain why? Well we know how you feel! KenBay isn’t in the business of nightmares, in fact quite the opposite! We believe that every Industrial Trash Compactor should be a dream come true. And a dream is a wish your wallet makes . . . or something like that. So after you’re done thinking about your dream job, dream partner, or dream vacation, spend some of that brain energy on your dream compactor. We have a few ideas!
If you are interested in any of KenBay’s impressive and affordable line of compactors, please visit our website. You’ll learn more about who we are and what we do, along with our commitment to a zero-landfill initiative.
Your Dream Industrial Trash Compactor Should be Portable
The word “bulk” is probably about the least dreamy word you could ever imagine. Does anyone like the sound of that? We sure don’t, which is why we think portable is the way to go. With a portable trash compactor, you don’t need to use a ridiculous amount of space. You also don’t need to waste time carrying your garbage back and forth — simply dump it in at the source! A portable trash compactor can help improve safety as well. No risk of your waste becoming a hazard through littering or carelessness.
Your Dream Industrial Trash Compactor Should be Efficient
Next up on our list of “least dreamiest words of all time” is the word jam. Now, I don’t mean the fruity kind of jam you spread on your toast. That jam is plenty dreamy, especially when it’s mixed berry. No, I’m talking about the kind of jam that occurs when your compactor is overloaded. Other compactors can only handle about 300 lbs. But a dream compactor should be able to handle twice that amount. Additionally, it should continuously press the waste into a compact cube shape, making sure its as tight as possible.
Your Dream Industrial Trash Compactor Should Save Labor
Finally, it’s not really a dream if you’re shilling out big bucks. Some other compactors require teams of additional laborers to load and unload the garbage. And you’re paying the cost! Instead of that, use a compactor that is so easy to use that one person could do it. No need to throw your money at your waste again!
KenBay has an impressive line up of dream compactors all for you! Our standout is the RotoPac, the original star, and it’s a standout for a reason! The RotoPac can handle approximately 600 lbs of waste, packing a lot of power for such a small size! If you want to try out the RotoPac or any other compactor for yourself, then visit our website. You can try one before you buy one, and if you like it, then pay to keep it! Wake up from your nightmares, and start living the dream, with KenBay!
by CharlieB | Apr 28, 2017
Let’s Have a Talk About Plastic. 
I love plastic. You love plastic. We all love plastic, right? If you don’t love plastic, then think for a moment of what your life would be without it. Condiment bottles? Nope. Most sports balls? Yeah, no. Playgrounds? Forget about it! And that’s just the small stuff — what about medical needs like implants, hearing aids, and joint replacements? Plastics are so vital to the modern world, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their downsides. Nearly 8 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans every year, and that number may be going up. So, what can you do about it? Big companies and manufacturers ask themselves that question all the time. Most of them chose to recycle with Plastic Recycling Companies.
KenBay is a business that cares about plastics. We dedicate ourselves to the proper care and management of waste. We follow a zero-landfill initiative, and encourage other companies to follow suit! If you would like to know more about KenBay, please visit our website and explore our wide range of compactors available.
Now, Plastic Recycling Companies, such as KW Plastics, are great. It’s a simple concept, executed well, and it helps the environment. Simply send them your unused or unneeded plastic waste, and they take care of the rest. Sounds great, right? And for many companies, it is great. But smaller businesses, or businesses struggling financially, may not have the privilege of utilizing these types of opportunities. Additionally, some Plastic Recycling Companies may not be able to handle the large volumes of plastic like you need them to. How can you save money and get your large plastic compacted — faster? Simple, use a KenBay RotoPac instead!
How is a RotoPac Better?
“Now wait a minute!” you say, “Why is one small RotoPac any better than Plastic Recycling Companies? Those businesses are made to recycle plastic!” Too right, and like we said, for most companies, that option is perfectly fine. But what if we told you that a RotoPac could handle your plastic quicker and more efficiently than some of the competition? We’ve done the tests — one RotoPac can handle nearly double the weight of a traditional plastic baler — approximately 600 lbs of plastic wrap! The reason is the properties of the wrap.
Plastic wrap tends to want to “bounce back” to its original shape, making it little more difficult to compact. Basically, less material gets in there because it’s trying to expand. A RotoPac gets around that issue because it applies heat. What about if you don’t have that much volume to begin with? A RotoPac is still a great investment, if for no other reason than it reduces the amount of labor and workers. One RotoPac is small enough to be used right at the source of the waste. This means you don’t need teams of people hauling your plastic to the Plastic Recycling Company, saving you money and reducing the risk of injury.
If you want to try a KenBay RotoPac for yourself, then visit our website. You can sign up to try one before you buy it. If you like the RotoPac we send you, simply pay to purchase it and keep it right there — no big deal!