How to Save Money in Your Pursuit of Zero Waste
There’s one question that every business asks when it considers becoming a zero waste organization: how will this affect our bottom line? For many skeptics, the assumption is that “going green” costs money. We are here to tell you that these assumptions are wrong. Zero waste companies, ones that implement measures to keep their waste out of landfills, often find that saving money and being environmentally friendly can go hand in hand. To help you understand how you can implement zero waste programs into your business and save money, here are a few of our best tips:
Ensure Your Equipment is Reliable and Safe
It goes without saying that unsafe working conditions lead to a number of problems. But, it’s often worth repeating. When you begin a zero waste initiative, you will likely look for new tools and equipment to help you in your pursuit. Whether you implement new equipment or continue to use your existing tools, ensure that your equipment is reliable and safe. Addressing safety concerns and expensive maintenance and repairs will cost you money and will hurt your bottom line. To avoid this problem, be sure that the machinery and equipment your zero waste business uses is the most reliable on the market. The less time, energy, and resources spent on repairs and updates, the more cost efficient you will be in your pursuit of zero waste.
Evaluate the Efficiency of Your Tools
If we’ve said it once, we’ll say it again, ineffective tools will cost you money. How does this tip differ from what we’ve already mentioned? Glad you asked. Evaluating the efficiency of your tools is much more than just being aware of their reliability and safety. Even if the machinery you use, or may implement in zero waste initiatives, is reliable, safe, and low maintenance, ask yourself this: Is it also efficient? If you were building your processes today, would you choose this the machinery? Does your equipment get the job done quickly? Are there other options on the market that do the job better and faster? Plain and simple, wasting time wastes money. When you pursue zero waste initiatives, seek out the time and money saving options available to you. Stay vigilant and do your research to make sure that the tools you use are the most efficient ones on the market.
Consider Labor Costs
When you reduce the time it takes to get a job done, you also reduce your labor costs associated with the task. For many businesses, this reduction in transportation and labor costs is the easiest way to save money in the pursuit of zero waste. From the first step of your operation to the last, evaluate your procedures and always be on the lookout for ways to minimize your labor costs. Can a task be performed faster? Is there a tool on the market that will make labor easier to complete in a timely fashion? Being mindful of these questions will help your business save money that might be spent unnecessarily on labor costs. This is another strategy for saving money that you can implement in your business when you pursue a zero waste initiative.
Let Us Help You Save Money in Your Pursuit of Zero Waste
With KenBay, you can minimize costs and save money at the beginning of waste management. KeyBay’s commercial trash compactor models offer a safe, reliable, easy to use option for compacting waste before transport, thus saving you money in your pursuit of zero waste. Our RotoPack trash compactors address all the money saving tips we’ve suggested for you.
1. Reliability and Safety
The RotoPac trash compactor by KenBay is easy to use, made of quality construction, and implements several key safety measures. Because of this, you will save money on the safety and maintenance costs associated with trash compacting.
2. Efficiency
The RotoPac is small enough to place directly at the source of your waste. Instead of transporting waste elsewhere, you can compact it right away, saving you time, energy, and ultimately money. In addition, the RotoPac allows for more efficient, continuous trash compacting. Never again will production halt because of waiting time at the trash compactor.
3. Reduced Labor Costs
Although the RotoPac is smaller than traditional trash compactors, it compacts trash at such a rate that you don’t need to empty the compactor as often. In addition, trash is compacted more tightly in a RotoPac than in a traditional compactor. This tight compaction means you can fit more waste into a single bag and make fewer trips to dispose of waste. A trash compactor like the RotoPac that allows you to spend less time collection and transporting waste will reduce your labor costs and raise your cost efficiency.
KenBay produces innovative equipment that maximizes safety and sustainability and minimizes the financial and global impact of solid industrial waste removal. Heavy hitters like the U.S. Navy, Purolator, and Boeing use our cost and work efficient tools daily. We’ve helped these organizations improve their efficiency and save money. Now, we can help your business do the same. Contact us today!