United States Army – Case Study

Challenge: An army installation was built inside a mountain providing very high security. To remove trash from the secure area the maintenance personnel had to take the trash through a security checkpoint and again when they returned the dumpster to the secure area. The process of removing several cubic yards of trash took over 2 hours.
Solution: The RotoPac commercial trash compactor was placed.
Result: With the RotoPac, they were able to reduce these trips by 80%. The RotoPac’s ease of use significantly reduced the personnel effort required to remove waste from the fort.

Excelsior Medical – Case Study

Challenge: Compacting large volumes of waste that is collected 24 hours per day in small plastic bags.
Solution: Client recently purchased two RotoPac commercial trash compactors to replace vertical balers for compacting their waste.
Result: Their maintenance manager says his personnel love of the RotoPacs is because the industrial waste compactors are much less labor intensive and much easier to use. Therefore they compact considerably more waste in much less time.

Boeing – Case Study

  • Challenge: The facility generates a huge amount of trash, disparagingly referred to as Foreign Object Debris (F.O.D.), considered lethal to an aircraft.
  • Solution: Client purchased approximately 50 RotoPac™ industrial waste compactors and placed them throughout the production area.
  • Result: They are able to compact at a 10-1 ratio (customer’s figure) saving money and personnel needed to handle the volume of F.O.D. Under the current system, trash removal has gone from as much as six times a day to only once a day. The company’s move to the Rotary Arm Compactor, the RotoPac™ has enabled production workers to concentrate on the manufacturing process and not waste handling.
    The RotoPac™ industrial waste compactor has a 4-ft. x 5-ft. footprint equal to one of the metal trash boxes it replaced. That meant a significance savings of valuable shop space as one plastic bag of compacted trash equaled 10 boxes. Client places great emphasis on employee safety and the introduction of the “at-the-source” compactor has virtually eliminated the risk of injuries created by the heavy metal carts. The RotoPac industrial waste compactor is a very safe and easy to use compactor, requiring minimal training and allows production personnel to work on assembling aircraft, not carting away trash.
