Is there anything sexier than watching something be squished into a nice geometrical cube? Look at this video and tell me I’m wrong. Alright, maybe “sexy” is not quite the right term for it, but compaction is still incredibly cool. Besides being the adult equivalent of smashing up your Play-Doh creations, compacting your waste is also a great way to be responsible about your environmental impact.
There are a lot of benefits to compacting waste, stuff you probably haven’t ever thought about. Maybe you’re already compacting and never thought about it before. Maybe you’re not compacting and wondering why you should bother. What does it matter to you how the waste looks? It all ends up in the same place anyway, right? Sorry, but that’s simply not true. Compaction offers a lot of great benefits to your plant, and you should be doing it. Want to know why? Then check these tips from KenBay!
Compaction Reduces Hauling Costs
Think of your big pile of waste like it’s on last call at a bar: “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” Your waste has to go somewhere, and if you’re an environmentally conscious organization you know better than to dump it in a natural resource. So, at some point you’re going to have to haul it on out of there. The trouble is getting all your waste to fit. Because here’s the thing: if you’re just dumping it all onto the truck as is, you know what you’re doing? You’re wasting space. That junk doesn’t just fit together like a nice little puzzle piece! And you know what you’re still paying for? All that air that gets hauled to the dump along with your waste. Which means you can add one more thing you’re wasting: money!
Compacting your junk makes it so that you are turning it into a puzzle piece. One where each piece is shaped like nice little easily-stackable cube. This video shows just how much trash can be hauled when it’s all compacted together. Get more junk on the truck, and pay for less air. It’s that easy!
Compaction Improves Safety
If you’re working in a plant, then you know how dangerous scrap metal can be. It’s sharp and it needs to be handled carefully and consciously. You know what isn’t careful or conscious? Throwing it all onto a big truck. You run risks of slicing open your hand both loading and unloading that metal. Compacting it into a cube shape is safer because you’re helping to reduce those sharp edges. Also, the cubes can be easily stacked onto a fork lift, so you’ll have less time handling it at all! (Sorry.)
Compaction Reduces Labor
Hey, here’s another great way to save money: quit paying for hours and hours of labor to load, transport, and unload the truck. Small, compacted cubes are far easier (and require less manpower) to load and unload, meaning you don’t spend nearly as much money on outside junk haulers. Those savings build up over time!
We hope you agree that compacting your junk is definitely the way to go. And you know what else? KenBay has the machines needed to get the job done. Our RotoPacs are compact and can be used right at the source of the junk, and they leave a small footprint. You can try one out for yourself if you don’t believe us! Then, maybe you’ll agree that compacting can be sexy after all.