Look out! It’s your . . . leftover garbage? Alright, you may not be at risk of getting poisoned or assaulted by your discarded waste, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions. Disposal of waste can actually be risky if not handled properly. This can include environmental risk, not just risk of physical or mental harm. If you want to dispose of your waste properly without all the risk and dangers, here’s 4 ways to take that risk out of disposal of waste.
If you’re looking for great waste disposal tips or just wondering how to be more environmentally conscious, check out KenBay’s website. KenBay is a small, locally owned company dedicated to promoting a zero waste initiative. We offer a wide variety of compactors and balers to make your waste disposal a breeze!
The Less Bulky, the Better!
Let’s start with something you probably already know: bulk is bad. Unless you’re trying to save money by shopping at one of those large bulk discount stores, there’s almost no situation where having an enormous product is superior to having a smaller, more compact one. Waste compactors are the same. The huge bulky ones may be able to crunch steel into small teeny tiny bits, but they’re large and heavy and require a team of what seems like 80-thousand people to move on-site. For waste compactors, it’s better to think small. As in, a small compactor that still packs a punch.
The Less Movement, the Better!
Another thing about those huge, bulky compactors is that they’re pretty rooted in place. Trust us, once the team finally manages to set that sucker down where its needed, they’re not gonna want to move it anytime soon. So what happens to your waste? Well, your workers end up having to travel with it over to where the compactor is in order to properly dispose. This is not only annoying, it’s a huge safety risk! It’s better to have a small compactor located right at the source of the waste. That way, your workers can just dump it in and forget about it.
The Less Cluttered, the Better!
One other great thing about having a small compactor on site: no temptation to use “shortcuts.” We know you have at least been tempted to take the “I’ll do it later” route when handling your disposal of waste. Just toss it in the corner, it’s out of the way, right? Well, it may be now, but keep that up and soon you’ll have a major safety concern on your hands. Your workers can’t be adjusting their route to the compactor in order to avoid the trash. Just toss it away right then, and save yourself the headache.
The Less Loose, the Better!
Think about the kind of waste you’re dealing with in the manufacturing industry. Yes, you have your cardboard and your plastic and your edge trim, but that’s not all. You also will have to dispose of metal, usually sharp metal, that sticks out with all those pointy ends. Do you want to carry it around? We didn’t think so. What’s better than loose waste? Cube waste! A good compactor will flatten and press all that waste into a convenient and easy to manage cube form. Then, just stack those cubes together into the truck and send them off to to the next life!
For easier disposal of waste, rely on KenBay to get the job done. Our compactors are small but highly efficient, and offered at a good price. Don’t believe us? You can try one out yourself, before you buy it!