Paint disposal or storage can be a daunting task whether you’re dealing with a small home supply or an industrial facility with various paints and solvents to consider. With just a few protocols, you can be sure that your paint disposal is always safe and environmentally sound, no matter the quantities you’re handling. Taking care of your paint disposal in the proper way will do more than just ensure the safe handling of hazardous waste, it will also save you money in long run, and reduce risk in either your workplace or home.
Reduce Your Need for Paint Disposal
Whether you’ve recently repainted your house, or work in the autobody business and go through gallons every day, proper paint disposal is equally important to consider. But before you get to that step, there are many measures you can take to reduce the amount of waste you have when the job is done. First, make sure that you can return any unopened paint cans or spray bottles. You will not only get reimbursed and save yourself some money, but it will also ensure that the paint actually gets used instead of thrown away. Safely store some of the leftover paint in a cool dark location for touch ups, and be sure it is tightly sealed. You can even switch it into smaller airtight containers to save space or get a better seal. Properly stored paints and solvents will usually remain safe to use for up to ten years, so give them a permanent home that is out of the reach of the kids. There are also ways of re-tinting paint to use it for new or different purposes than you originally bought it for.
Leftover Paint Disposal
If there is still paint or solvents (often used for cleaning) that you cannot repurpose or save for future use, you will need to find the proper means to dispose of them. These materials are usually considered liquid hazardous waste, so they cannot go in the dumpster. Call your local waste sector to find out how you ought to handle paint disposal, which will typically involve a certain kind of airtight container for paint. It will also have to be kept separate from the rest of your waste and recycling to ensure that contamination does not occur.
Solid Waste in Paint Disposal
A paint can or spray bottle is considered empty if it has less than one inch of paint at the bottom of it. Empty the vessel by either pouring or pumping the paint out of it, and once you have done this, it is considered recyclable, in which case you take the usual measures to separate it out from landfill waste. If paint cans are a significant portion of your waste, you might want to consider investing in a trash compactor that will help you consolidate the otherwise non-pliable materials to save time and money on your recycling efforts. A trash compactor will reduce the size of your waste at a rate of six to one.
When tackling your paint disposal process, keep these things in mind. If you’re dealing with paint disposal on a large scale, call KenBay for an expert opinion on your particular waste management needs.