The hazardous waste disposal industry ships in excess of 3 billion tons of regulated materials throughout the United States each year. Hazardous waste disposal can seem a looming task in your operations, but with the right information and resources, it can be an easy, safe and worry-free process. There is no reason to be overwhelmed at the rules and regulations around hazardous waste disposal, or to put yourself and your employees in unsafe situations by neglecting to handle it with care. If you’re looking for new and better ways to take care of your hazardous waste disposal you’ve come to the right place as we are waste management experts and have all the information you need to make your workplace as safe and clean as possible.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Packing Categories
The first thing you need to figure out is what packing categories your hazardous waste falls into. There are nine different classes that indicate the degree of danger of your hazardous waste. Because your hazardous waste will need to be removed from you worksite, the Department of Transportation has established guidelines for how your hazardous waste must be packaged for the safest transportation possible.
- Class 1 Explosives and pyrotechnics
- Class 2 Compressed, flammable, nonflammable, and poison gases
- Class 3 Flammable liquids
- Class 4 Flammable solids
- Class 5 Oxidizers and organic peroxides
- Class 6 Toxic and infectious materials
- Class 7 Radioactive materials
- Class 8 Corrosive materials
- Class 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
The manner in which you store and package your hazardous waste is extremely important in order to be properly insured and as safe as possible. Find out which classes apply to your hazardous waste disposal and how you need to package all of the waste materials you are creating.
Hazardous Waste Compactors
If your hazardous waste falls into any of the solid waste classes, then a hazardous waste compactor could improve both your workflow and safety in your workplace. The HazPac for Hazardous Waste from KenBay is an excellent product capable of reducing the size of your hazardous waste while keeping it confined. Depending on the packing class of your waste, the HazPac can be customized to either package it into plastic bags or tri-wall waste boxes.
The Benefits of the HazPac
The Hazpac not only keeps your waste confined to a specific area, it also has an incredibly small footprint. This means that you can place it right at the site where your hazardous waste is created, cutting down not only on the time hazardous waste disposal takes, but also the distance it has to travel. The risks of contamination will decrease significantly. The HazPac can also contain six times as much hazardous waste as a conventional waste can, which will greatly decrease the packaging and removal costs.
Don’t take hazardous waste disposal lightly. It is a serious matter that requires a legal and thoughtful plan. There are many resources to help you make sure your hazardous waste disposal is as efficient and safe as possible, including waste management experts like KenBay. Give us a call to see how we can help you with your hazardous waste disposal plan.